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Literary Escapism

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All Wounds
Dina James
Archangel's Legion
Nalini Singh
The Mask of Power: Spyro Versus the Mega Monsters #1
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Tempt the Stars (Cassandra Palmer, #6)
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The Devil's Playground (Morgan Kingsley Series #5)

The Devil's Playground - Jenna Black Overall, I am very sadden that this is the end to the Morgan Kingsley series, but The Devil's Playground is another amazing read from a great writer. I simply could not put this book down. I am going to miss the world of Morgan Kingsley, but just knowing there are a few opportunities available has given me a little hope. Regardless of it being the end, Black shows us her masterful skill with continuing to develop the fascinating character that is Morgan and all of her cohorts. That is the one thing I love about this series, it's not just about her, it's hard not to love all of her allies.To read my full review, click here.