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Literary Escapism

Currently reading

All Wounds
Dina James
Archangel's Legion
Nalini Singh
The Mask of Power: Spyro Versus the Mega Monsters #1
Onk Beakman
Tempt the Stars (Cassandra Palmer, #6)
Karen Chance

Bound to Shadows (Riley Jenson Guardian Series #8)

Bound to Shadows (Riley Jenson Guardian Series #8) - Overall, Bound to Shadows is simply fabulous. There’s none of the stagnation with a long running series (even though this is only the eighth one) and I get sucked in every time. The story is fresh, the characters engaging and the romance is amazing. Seriously, Arthur is one of my all-time favorite authors and her writing supports that with each and every novel. I will be sad to see the end of Riley with Moon Sworn, but its such a fabulous ride that I know it won’t be the end for me because this is one of those series I will continually keep going back to. If you haven’t read Bound to Shadows yet, then do so now. If you haven’t started this series, I don’t know what you’re waiting for.For my full review, click here.